ZIUM.AI Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how we handle information collected and provided through this website. ZIUM.AI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 'Company') values users' personal information and complies with relevant data protection and privacy laws.

The policy is effective as of February 28, 2024. Any amendments will be announced through website notices (or through individual notifications via written notice, fax, email, etc.).

1. Collection of Personal Information and Collection Methods

The Company may collect information that users directly provide. We collect the following personal information to manage inquiries related to our services, products, investments, recruitment, media, website, and events:

2. Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

The Company uses collected personal information for the following purposes:

3. Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information

Personal information is destroyed without delay once the collection and usage purposes are achieved. When preservation is required by relevant laws, the Company retains user information for specific periods as follows:

4. Personal Information Protection Measures

The Company implements technical and administrative measures to protect personal information. We employ necessary security measures to prevent personal information leakage or damage from hacking or computer viruses, and we continuously work to enhance security measures using all available technical methods. The Company restricts access to personal information to a minimum number of employees and provides regular training to ensure compliance with this policy.

5. Privacy Concerns and Contact Information

Personal information is destroyed without delay once the collection and usage purposes are achieved. When preservation is required by relevant laws, the Company retains user information for specific periods as follows:

For other privacy concerns or consultations, please contact:

6. Changes to Privacy Policy

Any additions, deletions, or corrections according to laws and policies will be announced through the website 7 days prior to implementation.